Monday, November 10, 2008


My life without Pat began on Oct. 30th with my last glimpse of him walking away on the other side of check-in at the airport. Initially it meant I could decide my own schedule, go where I wanted to go, do what I wanted to do and be my own boss. That all sounded good until I started my new single life. I discovered I didn't like driving myself places, nor making decisions all on my own. I missed his daily love afirmations knowing he was taking care of me. There was no one with whom to share my confidences or snuggle with after lights were turned out. Frankly, when one has been married 40 years, being separated like this feels a little like being handicapped or like driving a car that has only half the pistons operating.
On the other hand, I have my wonderful kids & their spouses to hang out with for a whole month and my favorite thing to do with them is to linger over a meal and talk. That's when I realize how much I miss their humor and insights for they help me see a different slice of life. I am proud of who they are. Then I have three precious grandkids to play with and observe and that makes the sun shine even on gray November days. I'm soaking up precious moments of listening to their special words: Gabriella's hosipal (hospital), Caleb's loloach (milk) and Penelope's "you go me". We play house, doctor, having babies, and read stories.

God did a good thing when he invented families.

1 comment:

Global Way said...

Am I ever glad you chose married and family life! :-)