Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We have dusted, scraped paint off windows, washed windows, washed walls with a hylex solution, planted flowers, swept floors, vacuuming (tomorrow), washed curtains, rugs, bedspreads, sheets, moved heavy furniture upstairs, moved heavy furniture downstairs, made signs, bought presents, cleaned the silver plate, baby cups, and spoon collection, washed floors, bathrooms, living rooms, stairways and in between made meals, washed clothes and dishes, watched baby Julia, fed baby Julia, changed baby Julia's diapers, bathed Julia and now we're very, very tired, but soooo excited for tomorrow's "D-Day for Dugans" !! Hooray!!

1 comment:

Diane Dahlen said...

Did they arrive okay? We are so sad to say we did not know they were even going. Oh my near, yet so far. I haven't been very good at communicating lately and so that's what happens, I guess. I'm wondering what you did in your spare time?