Sunday, February 05, 2012


It was a cool evening and I suddenly had a hankering for a comforting bowl of chicken soup. As I cut up the chicken and chopped the onions my saliva glands began working as I imagined the final product. I tossed in a little of this and a little of that and my soup was lookin'mighty fine. It was then I noticed a cereal-looking substance in a glass jar that I'd bought some time ago. Why not add the cereal and use it up? I'm a penny pincher at heart and in went the cereal. I covered the pan and left the kitchen to do other things.

Imagine my surprise when I came back to the kitchen. My soup had turned into a live volcano, erupting right in front of my eyes! A goopy, viscous substance flowed out of the pan onto the stove and it seemed to be growing at every second!

Fortunately, the goo (or glue) was easy to clean just followed the spoon.

I did eat it, keeping myself in a positive state of mind. The taste wasn't bad, but the texture?????

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