Thursday, January 08, 2009


The "Before" Picture

I flung the words carelessly into the air as I said goodby to Patricia: "No meat, no chicken, no fish, no dairy, no sugar." I felt like a holy monkess (the feminine form of monk) about to embark on a monkish mission. Yes, 2009 would be healthier than any other! I settled my newly-accumulated holiday fat neatly in the car as we drove away toward home on Jan. 2nd.
Radical is me; moderate is my husband, Pat. "Radical doesn't work," he said, and his words bounced off the walls like bats in a cavern.

Jan. 3rd & Test # 1: What about the M & M's I'd brought back from the States? Give them away? Not on your life. I made concession # 1 and ate some M & M's.
Jan. 4th & Test # 2: Someone brought a special cake to church and served it to all of us. I made concession # 2 and ate a piece to make "them" feel good.

Jan. 5th & Test # 3: A neighbor said he'd never tasted salmon so Pat invited him and his family over to eat : it. Concession # 3: I devoured two pieces.

My husband is right. Radical is wrong; moderate is right. I need the endorphines from chocolate to be a nice wife, so I will continue to eat chocolate for my dessert after lunch--with black coffee--to keep my husband happy.

Fish is good for us so I will continue to eat fish.

Chicken has many hormones in it so I will eat it only occasionally.

Dairy will be indulged in only when I want an ice cream cone and at any other time I deem necessary.

Sugar will be shunned unless I get a craving for it. (Confession #1: I tasted a small brownie while cutting the batch into squares--to share with my new neighbor, of course!!!)

Anybody want to go on this diet with me?


The 4 Poppies said...

Sounds like a more well-balanced diet. I´m in!

prairierose said...

Yeah! We can help each other out.

thejoys-brazil said...

Hey mom, confession #1: I haven't started the diet yet...can't get the courage to do it!! haha

prairierose said...

Well, start by changing just one thing. The journey of a 1,000 calories begins with the first small step. Love you